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Terms and Conditions

An extract from Shannon's Law


‘Another five hundred thousand,’ Walker said, taking the invoice and filling in the blanks. She handed it to Randall.


‘What’s this?’ he said.


‘Time to re-read our contract with Ackroyds. Ten percent of any frauds discovered. Money saved: one point seven million. Ten percent as agreed: one hundred and seventy thousand. As the proud owner of Ackroyds, you are now liable to pay us this amount. I did cover that at our briefing meeting and it’s there in black and white in the small print.’


‘But no one reads the small print,’ he said lamely.


‘So you didn’t read the clause about giving up your youngest grandson to be apprenticed to a chimney sweep? That was Anji’s idea, by the way. We all had a chuckle about that.’

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