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Frequently Asked Questions


There are only two questions you are asked when you tell someone you are a writer. Where do you get your ideas and how much money do you make?


Q. Where do you get your ideas?

A. Ideas come from everywhere. You need as many stimuli as possible – TV, movies, books, songs, the papers, the list is endless. An example:

When I was writing Due Diligence I was searching for a name for the lead female role. I’ve always found names difficult to come up with. I was listening to my music on the iPad and a song came up. It was sung by George Thorogood, best known for his 15 minute song One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer. The song this time was Who do you love? An old blues song that he sung in a rock format. At one stage the written line is ‘Arlene took me by the hand’. But because of the blues theme it came across as ‘Arlene tucker me by the hand’. That was it. Arlene Tucker!


Q. How much money do you make?

A. Don’t give up your day job.

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